Legislation on cookies as provided by the measure of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.

In accordance with what is provided by the measure of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data in the theme of "Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies on 8 May 2014" (hereinafter mentioned Norm), below is the extended information relating to cookies installed on site www.pelleealtro.com (hereinafter also "pellesite").

Cookies. Cookies are a small amount of data that is in the form of a unique code anonymous, is sent to your browser from a web server and then stored on the hard disk of your computer, on your smartphone and/or your tablet.

Cookies can serve both to allow the correct use of an Internet site (the so-called cookies technical) and to verify the preferences expressed by the user in the context of its navigation in the network in order to propose at the same advertising messages in line with them (so-called cookies profiling).

Cookies can be stored in the device in a permanent manner and have a variable duration (so-called cookies permanent) or disappear when the browser is closed or have a limited duration (the so-called session cookies).

The web site of Pelle&Altro, does not use cookies for profiling.

The only cookies used in this site are exclusively technical cookies of session, deriving from the same navigation via browser. It is recalled that the 'Use of browser for navigating the internet itself requires' using cookies of the same browser, that allow you to move from one page to'other visited, to store as preferred a home page of the site or an internal page.

It is also recalled that the web sites often have counters visits that use cookies that allow you to make statistics on the pages visited.

The site of Pelle&Altro does not use cookies for data acquisition for the purposes of advertising. Our site has no other advertising in its pages. Our site does not collect data on advertising.

Our site is indexed according to the normal url of the common search engines especially Google that through its own cookies analyzes and collects data useful for the pages of a site can more easily be found on the web, through'analysis of the most frequent searches made by users.